APYC Christmas Party & Winter Series Presentation
Saturday 12th December
Join friends and family for the club's Christmas break-up. The waters of Albert Park Lake are notorious for Pirates at this time of year, but Father Christmas has always managed to get through to the club. Will those foolish pirates try again this year? Surely they know by now that they're no match for dozens of kids wielding plastic swords and water pistols! The fun starts at 6. Dinner served at 6:30 - Selection of roast meats and veg., salads, cakes and ice cream.
For catering purposes please put your name down at the galley on Saturday or reply to this email. $12 Adults, $10 Children under 12. There will be a raffle - Donations for the Hamper are welcomed (our members have been very creative in the past!)
For catering purposes please put your name down at the galley on Saturday or reply to this email. $12 Adults, $10 Children under 12. There will be a raffle - Donations for the Hamper are welcomed (our members have been very creative in the past!)